Early Signs of Cancer: Recognizing Potential Warning Signals
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Early Signs of Cancer: Recognizing Potential Warning Signals

Alisha Shaji
Updated on September 25, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

10 min read
Today, in this post-modern era due to the advancement in the medical field people are living longer even after the diagnosis of cancer due to the improved cancer screenings and the advancements in the medical fields.
Understanding and recognizing the early warning signs of cancer can make a significant difference in outcomes.
This blog by Karetrip aims to shed light on these crucial signals, empowering you with the knowledge to take proactive steps in safeguarding your health and well-being.
Warning Signs
1. Sudden Weight Loss
Sudden weight loss is one of the early signs of cancer, especially when it occurs without much effort. Weight loss can be caused due to various factors, such as high physical activity, changes in the rate of metabolism, changes in diet and so on but if it happens all of a sudden and unexpectedly you need to consult a doctor for further diagnosis.
It is proven that cancer cells are capable of altering the body's metabolism, leading to weight loss though the individual is consuming a normal amount of food.
2. Changes in Bathroom Habitats
If you notice sudden changes in bathroom habits and having difficulties like diarrhoea, constipation,presence of blood in the stool, changes in stool consistency, can be signs of colorectal cancer.
Likewise, frequent urination, presence of blood in the urine, or changes in bladder function can be early signs to indicate bladder or prostate cancer.
3. Changes in Birthmarks
Skin checks are very essential in cancer prevention.
Moles that are not symmetrical, have irregular borders, variegated colours, a diameter larger than a pencil eraser, or noticeable evolution in shape and size are potential indicators of skin cancer, particularly melanoma and its widely reported these days .
4. Persistent Fevers and Infections
Frequent infections or ongoing fevers may indicate a compromised and a weak immune system. Such symptoms are often associated with blood cancers like lymphoma or leukaemia
5. Abnormal Bleeding or Discharge
Never hesitate to consult with your doctor if you notice any unusual vaginal discharge, particularly if it has a bad odour. This could be an early sign of prostate cancer.
If you're experiencing persistent pain or changes in your menstrual cycle, these could be signs of cervical, uterine, or ovarian cancer. Persistent bloating, especially if it lasts more than two weeks, could indicate ovarian or gastrointestinal cancers.
6. Trouble in swallowing
If you feel discomfort while having food like food getting stuck in your throat when you eat or you have trouble swallowing for more than two weeks, immediately see your doctor. This symptom could be a sign of throat, lung or stomach cancer.
7. Frequent headache
A headache that doesn’t respond to the prescribed pain medications and lasts continuously for more than two weeks should be consulted by a doctor.
In addition to this, blurred or double vision, hearing changes, facial drooping, seizures or other neurological symptoms should be evaluated. These could be warning signs of a brain tumour or brain cancers.
8. Persistent fatigue
If you feel like your energy level has plummeted though you have enough sleep or relaxation, you just can’t seem to get your energy back, see a doctor to determine if this may be a sign of leukaemia or lymphoma.
Be sure to note whether you also are experiencing muscle weakness and confusion, since this may indicate other types of cancers, which impact hormone levels or cause internal bleeding like colon or stomach cancer and may contribute to persistent fatigue.

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Complications Associated with Cancer
Cancer and its associated treatments will have several complications and difficulties associated with it like:
Pain - Though all cancers are not painful, the various treatments associated with cancer like chemotherapy and radiation are very painful.
Difficulty in breathing - Treatment of cancer definitely leads to shortness of breath and the level of difficulty may vary from individual to individual depending upon the patient's age, hereditary, and other medical conditions.
Fatigue - people would definitely be tired when undergoing treatments related to cancers.
Ways to Prevent Cancer
Stop smoking : Smoking increase the chance of getting affected by Cancer it is not only harmful for the smoker but also for the people how are living around them
Practise a healthy diet :Following a healthy diet will help a lot to prevent getting affected by diseases. To prevent cancer, avoid the consumption of processed food and include green leafy vegetables in your diet.
Maintain a healthy weight : Maintaining a healthy weight can prevent cancer to a great extent. Being obese is an important factor that increases the chance of getting affected by cancer.
Do exercise regularly : Doing exercise and burning excess calories help to lead a healthy life and prevents Cancer to a great extent
Stop the consumption of alcohol : Say No to alcohol as it increases the Chance of getting affected by Cancer.
Have regular checkups: Having regular checkups will help to recognize the disease earlier and increase the chance of survival.
People still consider cancer as a deadly disease but what makes the condition worse? Yes it is ignorance. The body shows different signs like unexpected weight loss, fatigue, headache, fever, difference in toilet habits, wounds in mouth and so on.
Never ignore these symptoms actually they are not definitely cancer but consult your doctor if you have multiple symptoms. There are different ways to prevent cancer like having a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, quitting smoking and so on. So let us hope for a better tomorrow.
Excessive weight loss, Changes in moles,Persistent fatigue,Abnormal Bleeding or Discharge can sometimes be an early symptom for Cancer
Cancer and its associated treatments will have several complications and difficulties associated with it like pain, mood swings, anger and so on
Living habitats can help people to prevent Cancer to a great extent like eating healthy food, doing exercise, saying no to cigarettes and drugs.