Questions to Ask Your Oncologist Before, During, and After Treatment
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Questions to Ask Your Oncologist Before, During, and After Treatment

Updated on August 24, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Fazeela

10 minutes
Coping with cancer diagnosis and available treatments may seem extremely complicated at one point.
Having all the information which will enable you to make the right decisions concerning your own health, it is vital that you pose the right questions to your oncologist.
Karetrip is here to help you with it. Below are some of the queries one may need to ask before, during, and after cancer treatment.
Before Treatment
1.What kind of cancer do I have?
It is necessary to evaluate the precise kind and subgroups of this illness. This will assist you understand better the treatment and the outcome that awaits you.
2.What has been diagnosed and what does it mean for the stage of cancer I have?
The stage of cancer reveals the extent to which it has advanced. This will assist you to appreciate the seriousness of the condition and the probable evolutionary process for management.
3.What are treatment alternatives?
Inquire about all the treatments possible, options such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. By getting to know the benefits of taking each of the options, the risks accompanied by the options and the possible side effects of the options, one will be in a better position to make a decision as to which option to take.
4.What is the objective of the treatment?
Identify whether the treatment is curative, palliative or an attempt to reduce the size, rate of growth or the invasiveness of the cancer. It will help to establish a proper platform to deal with the problems, this will set realistic expectations.
5.What are possible associated risks/negative outcomes of the treatment?
Every treatment option is associated with some or the other side effect. Some of these you will be aware of in advance and will ensure that you manage them in a proper way.
6.What consequences does treatment have for the daily life of a patient?
Get to know how treatment could affect your working capacity, physical and all round functional capacity. This can assist you to do some kind of timeline and change your way of living accordingly.
7. How long will it take before the treatment becomes effective?
Make sure you understand how long you will need to come in for your treatments: how often and for how long. It will enable you to be prepared with other tasks that you have and other procedures that you wish to undertake.
8.Clinical trials: are there any?
Clinical trials could also mean an opportunity to receive new and more effective therapies. Thus, one should ask whether there are some trials you could participate in and what could be advantages and drawbacks of it.
9.What can you do prior to early treatment?
Before embarking on the treatment your oncologist may advise you to add or remove certain meals, change your lifestyle, or make other changes.
10.Could I consult with another doctor?
Knowing that one can ask for a second opinion is completely acceptable. You can get second opinions on what might be wrong with you and agree or disagree with the treatment plan.
During Treatment
1.What signs will tell you that the treatment is effective?
And enquire more on the markers or tests that shall be employed on the outcome of the treatment and the frequent checkups that is to be taken.
2.Complication or severe side effects that I should look out for;
Realising which effects are usual and which ones must be urgently treated can help to go to a doctor if necessary.
3.Will treatment on my immune system be beneficial or rather have a negative implication to my immunity?
Side effects of certain drugs are seen to compromise immunity. Building on what they stated, inquire about measures that should be taken to prevent acquiring infections or suffering from other ailments.
4.What services are available to me as a patient?
Non-technical services which are shown by many hospitals include counselling services, nutritional services and physical therapy among others. Learn about the support that people receiving treatment can seek to get in order to help them deal with the process.
5.Am I allowed to continue going to work or attend classes while on the treatment?
Depending on the intensity of the treatment that you will receive, you may need to stay away from work. Consult your strategy and how you will be able to balance these roles at this time.
6.What can I do about side effects?
Learn about ways to deal with some of the most frequent symptoms of therapy like nausea, tiredness, or hair loss. There are other drugs or interventions that your oncologist can suggest to help with this problem.
7.And do I have to restrict my diet in any way?
Some of the therapies may call for restrictive diets whereby an individual has to abstain from taking particular foods or supplements. Request the provider to give the patient suggestions on what foods to take alongside the ones not to take.
8.Is the treatment program open to workout during the process?
Engaging in physical activity during cancer treatment has many potential advantages; however, it is necessary to know what kind of load is admissible and reasonable.
9.What are the consequences of the treatment for fertility and sex life?
There are noncoercive treatments that may have an impact on fertility and sexual function. Encourage the patient to inquire about the following possible side effects as well as the methods that can be used to address fertility and sexual health concerns.
10.Is there anything that I should avoid or any other medication or supplements I can take along with the treatment?
Certain medicines or vitamins and other products may harm the cancer treatment process. It is also imperative that you disclose any other medication that you are on to your oncologist.

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After Treatment
1.What is the next step in follow up care?
Following the expiry of the recommended treatment, the oncologist is supposed to give recommendations on further management of the patient in terms of check-ups, blood tests, and imaging studies to check for recurrence.
2.What are the probabilities of emergence of the complications? Knowing more about your odds of developing cancer and its recurrence can be very helpful to you mentally and physically. Get to know what measures can be employed to lower this probability.
3.What should I do if symptoms reemerge?
Understanding what signs to look out for and what to do about it to ensure that if cancer recurs it is detected in the early stage.
4.What measures will I take to deal with long-term side effects?
Some of the side effects may be observed to be present even after the patient has undergone treatment. Once that has been done, ask how these can be addressed over the longer term.
5.Should I expect to get some rehabilitation ones too?
In the care plan that was provided depending on the type of treatment that you have undergone , you may need physical therapy, occupational therapy or other rehabilitation services.
6.What follows cancer and how does one prepare or get back to living a normal life?
End of treatment and transition into survivorship is an issue many may find difficult. Inquire about the information and measures that are likely to help in handling this shift in the working environment, including handling the employee’s mental health.
7.How should I modify my lifestyle as I continue living with the condition?
Based on your exam, recommend any modifications that can be made to one’s lifestyle that will enhance his/her wellness and or prevent the recurrence of cancer besides food habits, exercises, smoking etc.
8.Is there anything new or the signs of secondary cancers or other ailments that I should watch-out for?
Several of the treatments can actually cause other types of cancers or other health related illnesses to emerge. Inquire about symptoms to look for and when to go see your healthcare provider.
Additional Considerations
What are some strategies that can be utilised to check on one’s mental health particularly during this period? This proposal explores perceived levels of burnout and depression among persons undergoing cancer treatment. Say to your friends that you are in need of a referral to counselling, to support groups or to another mental health service.
What does this mean for my pocket and what help is there for me? As is seen, cancer treatments may entail huge costs. Talk about the expenses , insurances and the possibility to get financial support as a patient.
What should I do to be active in my care? Take part in decision-making whereby you seek to know how you could be involved in the treatment and recovery processes.
By asking these questions, you will be in a better position to understand all you need to know concerning cancer, your condition, your treatment, and life after cancer treatment.
The knowledge on the effects of certain foods and beverages will enable you to make a correct decision depending on the values and healthy living.
Being an oncologist, they are expected to accompany their patient and any question, no matter how small or unimportant it may seem, should not be off limits.
Know Your Diagnosis: The kind of cancer, its stage, and other qualities should determine the treatment options that you are going to undergo.
Explore Treatment Options: Explain in detail all methods at the patient’s disposal including their aim, advantages and disadvantages as well as possible consequences.
Understand the Impact on Daily Life: Discover how therapy may impact your job, movement, and everyday life with the aim of making preparations in advance.
Monitor Treatment Effectiveness: Also, inquire how the success of treatment will be assessed? What are some positive or negative signs that will be used to evaluate the condition of the disease?
Prepare for Side Effects: Learn what to do about side effects, how the treatment does to your immune system, fertility, and diet.
Post-Treatment Care: Find out when you need to go for a check up or follow up, about possibilities of the cancer coming back and how to cope with the effects after treatment.
Lifestyle Adjustments: The patient should be further enquire about any other modification that needs to be made regarding the lifestyle in order to better one’s health and prevent cancer from recurring.
Seek Support: Ask about services concerning mental health, help with money, and ways that your family can help you.
Stay Informed: Be an active participant in your care by questioning things, getting a second opinion, and learning about new treatments and information.
Source Links
Cleveland Clinic
American Cancer Society