Signs of Breast Cancer
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Signs of Breast Cancer

Updated on October 28, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Fazeela

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Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women worldwide.
While advancements in medical science have improved survival rates, early detection remains crucial for effective treatment and better outcomes.
Knowing the signs of breast cancer can help you detect it early, increasing the chances of successful treatment.
Wondering what those early signs are? We’ve got you covered.
In this blog, Karetrip will explore the various signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of breast cancer, as well as what you should do if you notice them.
What is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast grow abnormally and form a mass called a tumor. These cancerous cells can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body (metastasize).
Breast cancer typically starts in the ducts or lobules, which are the glands responsible for milk production. While breast cancer is more common in women, men can also develop the disease, though it is much rarer.
Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
Being vigilant about changes in your breasts can help catch breast cancer early. Here are the common signs that may indicate breast cancer:
1. Lump in the Breast or Underarm
A lump or mass in the breast or underarm is often the first noticeable symptom of breast cancer. While not all lumps are cancerous, it's important to get any new lump checked by a healthcare provider.
Breast cancer lumps are typically hard, irregular in shape, and painless, but they can also be tender or painful.
2. Changes in Breast Size or Shape
If you notice a sudden change in the size or shape of one breast, it could be a sign of breast cancer. The affected breast may appear larger, swollen, or different from the other one. Sometimes, the entire breast can feel heavier or denser.
3. Nipple Changes
Breast cancer can cause changes in the nipple, such as
Inversion (nipple turning inward)
Nipple discharge (clear, bloody, or other unusual fluid)
Pain or sensitivity in the nipple area
These symptoms should not be ignored, especially if they occur suddenly and without explanation.
4. Skin Changes
Breast cancer can affect the appearance and texture of the skin on the breast, leading to symptoms like
Dimpling or puckering (resembling the texture of an orange peel)
Redness, swelling, or warmth
Thickening or scaliness of the skin, often near the nipple or areola
These skin changes can sometimes be mistaken for a skin infection, but they may be signs of a more serious condition.

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5. Pain in the Breast or Chest Area
Breast pain is usually not associated with breast cancer, but persistent pain that doesn't go away should not be overlooked. Some types of breast cancer can cause pain, tenderness, or discomfort in the breast, armpit, or chest area.
6. Unexplained Weight Loss or Fatigue
While not specific to breast cancer, sudden, unexplained weight loss and extreme fatigue can be signs of cancer in general.
If you experience these symptoms along with any of the other signs mentioned, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional.
7. Thickening in the Breast
In addition to lumps, some women notice a thickened area in the breast that feels different from the surrounding tissue. This can be a sign of cancerous changes in the breast tissue and should be evaluated by a doctor.
8. Lymph Node Changes
Breast cancer can spread to the lymph nodes under the arm or around the collarbone. If you notice swollen, tender, or hard lymph nodes in these areas, it could be a sign that the cancer has spread.
9. Itching and Irritation
Persistent itching or irritation of the breast that doesn’t improve with normal remedies may indicate a rare form of breast cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer. This type of cancer can cause the breast to become red, swollen, and itchy.
10. Changes in Breast Sensation
Any unusual changes in the feeling of the breast, such as tingling, numbness, or a loss of sensation, could be a sign of breast cancer. These symptoms may occur due to tumor growth affecting the nerves in the breast.
When to See a Doctor
If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. While not all symptoms are caused by breast cancer, only a healthcare provider can determine the cause through diagnostic tests such as mammograms, ultrasounds, or biopsies.
Regular breast self-exams and annual mammograms (starting at the recommended age) can help detect breast cancer in its early stages. It is also essential to stay informed about your family’s medical history, as a family history of breast cancer can increase your risk.
Breast cancer is a serious but treatable disease, especially when detected early. Recognizing the warning signs—such as lumps, changes in breast size or shape, nipple discharge, and skin changes—can lead to timely diagnosis and treatment.
It’s important to perform regular self-exams and attend routine screenings like mammograms to catch any abnormalities early. If you notice any persistent or unusual symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.
Early intervention improves outcomes, and staying informed about your health is key. By understanding the signs and taking preventive measures, you can protect yourself and reduce the risk of advanced breast cancer.
The information provided represents the views and opinions of Karetrip. It is crucial to conduct your own independent research before making any decisions regarding your healthcare journey.
Lump in the Breast: The most common early sign, often hard and irregular in shape.
Size or Shape Changes: Sudden, unexplained changes in one breast's appearance.
Nipple Changes: Inversion, discharge, or pain around the nipple can be symptoms.
Skin Texture Changes: Dimpling, redness, or scaliness can indicate underlying cancer.
Persistent Breast Pain: Unusual pain in the breast or chest should be evaluated.
Thickened Breast Tissue: Any thickening or abnormal texture in the breast may need attention.
Lymph Node Swelling: Swollen nodes under the arm or around the collarbone may indicate cancer spread.
Itching and Irritation: Unexplained itching or irritation could point to inflammatory breast cancer.
Weight Loss and Fatigue: Unexplained symptoms like fatigue may indicate more than general illness.
Loss of Sensation: Tingling or numbness in the breast can signal nerve involvement.
Source Links
American Cancer Society