What Foods Help Burn Belly Fat?
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What Foods Help Burn Belly Fat?

Dr. Ananya Ghosh
Updated on July 17, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Sreemoyee

10 min read
Diet often plays a crucial role in managing a proper weight and keeping one healthy.
In your weight loss journey, you might wonder what foods help in burning the stubborn belly fat.
Karetrip is here to guide you in your journey of burning those extra tyres of fat around your belly.
We will look into the foods that fasten the burning of belly fat, the foods that you must avoid to get the best results and something more that you need to do apart from maintaining a proper diet. So, let’s get started.
Foods That Help Burn Belly Fat
Well, there are numerous food options that support your journey of belly fat burning. You need to keep in mind that for losing that extra fat in your body you must introduce regular exercise into your body apart from controlling your diet.
This ensures best results without compromising your health.
Let’s see some of the food items you must have to burn belly fat: BOX
Protein rich foods: When cutting down the carbs, your focus should be more in having the right protein for your muscle mass and uniform fat loss. Foods with high protein content are meat, eggs, fish, milk, legumes, cottage cheese etc.
Soluble fibre rich foods: Foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, chia seeds etc. Remember to focus on fresh items to get the most out of it.
Probiotic rich foods: Yoghourt, sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir. When your gut is healthy, your overall health will bloom and benefit in losing belly fat.
Fatty fish: This includes tuna, herring, salmon. These fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help reduce visceral fat and reduce inflammation.
Antioxidant rich foods: Green tea, green leafy vegetables etc. removes the toxins from the body. These foods specially target the abdominal fat and effectively burns it down.
Red fruits: Yes, the redder the fruit is, the more effective it would be. Apples, cherries, berries etc, are very good in providing you with the right amount of minerals and focusing on belly fat. Apples are good for overcoming obesity.
Resveratrol rich foods: Dark chocolates and fruits. This substance slows down the accumulation of fat into the layers of the body.
Spices: India is the land of spices. Indian spices have lots of health benefits. Burning belly fat is one of them. Cinnamon and ginger help to improve metabolism and slow the fat storage mechanism. Consume warm water in an empty stomach with a pinch of cinnamon in it and watch the results after a month.
Lean meat: To lose body fat, you need animal lean meat for developing muscle mass and getting a toned belly. This is found in chicken breast, white meat part of the turkey, and the lean cuts of beef.
Oats: An oatmeal is one of the best fibre rich foods for weight loss. This will keep you full for a longer period of time and reduce your tendency to snack on chips and fat filled foods. Apple cider vinegar: Consuming it in an empty stomach mixed in diluted warm water gives the best result in burning belly fat.
Foods to Avoid
Apart from the foods that you must consume there are some foods that you must restrain from to get a toned belly.
Limit carbohydrate intake. If you shift to a low carb diet, you can soon see the results in your weight within a few days. Cut off on fat intake and refined flour consumption. Your body uses carbs as the main energy source of the body. When you limit its intake, fats start to burn.
Limit consumption of fruit juices. These are mostly artificial liquid with added colour and sweeteners. These are not only dangerous for your health but have some severe side effects. Most of these additives are banned outside India. If you desire to have fruit juice, make it yourself in a juicer. You can enjoy the juice and cherish the efforts you put in it.
Limit alcohol. You already know this. Your beer belly doesn’t need any more alcohol in it. Shift to a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the wonders it does to your body.
Limit processed foods. The canned foods often contain many preservatives to increase the shelf life of the product. These preservatives harm your health. To burn your belly fat, you need fresh fruits and vegetables along with a rich source of fresh proteins.
Reduce sugar intake. One of the best results in reducing abdominal fat is seen if you cut off on your sugar intake. Often called the white poison, sugar is responsible for several diseases in today’s world. It may be really hard initially, but in the long run you will love the results of your wise decision.
Reduce your overall portion size. To gain the best results in your weight loss journey, you must limit your overall portion size to the optimal portion as per your dietician. You must not overeat and cut down the stress eating and binge eating habits.
Intermittent Fasting is one of the best ways to reduce belly fat. Under proper supervision, you can fast for 12-16 hours on a daily basis. This is proven to reduce overall body weight within a few months if practised properly.

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Apart From Food, What Else Influence Burning of Belly Fat
Your stubborn belly fat will not vanish in a day or two with just certain foods. You need some more steps to follow. Let’s see what extra you need to burn that belly fat.
- Be active in your life. Practice workout targeted towards your abdomen.
- Be consistent with your exercise to get the desired results.
- Sleeping pattern. Getting a good 8 hours of undisturbed sleep improves your metabolism and helps reduce abdominal fat. Try to restrain from screen time at least an hour before your sleeping schedule to sleep like a baby.
- Stress buster. It is very important to make yourself stress free to lead a healthy life.
- Eating disorders. Often people tend to develop eating disorders in the hope of losing weight faster, which is not only harmful for your gut but has some serious effects in the long run. The weight lost due to this habit is gained faster than ever due to the body's mechanism of coping up.
- Any pre-existing Health condition that you have may prevent you from seeing the results faster. Please consult with your physician to get the best advice.
- Medications. If you are under certain medications that prevent you from losing weight due to increasing hunger or satiety. You must not stop those meds without any medical attention.
- Other social factors. Often some effects are seen in people belonging to different societal groups. A person’s family, community, and social bonds can influence their eating habits and diet composition.
There are several ways to reduce those extra fat layers from your tummy. Being consistent in your healthy habits is the key to get the best results.
Moreover, the decision to burn your belly fat must come from your self-considering your betterment for health and not influenced or pressurised from anyone.
You are unique and beautiful the way you are. If you need any dietician advice from the best in the industry, we, at Karetrip, are here to help you out.
Belly fat burning is not possible in a single day.
Some of the foods that help in doing so are – protein rich foods, soluble fibres, probiotics, lean meat, oats, apple cider vinegar, antioxidants and spices.
You must limit carbs, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, refined flour, and sugar to get the best results.
You must also exercise, sleep well, reduce anxiety and improve your eating disorders to effectively reduce belly fat.
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