Emotional Wellbeing and Infertility

In This Article

Emotional Wellbeing and Infertility



Updated on June 10, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Sreemoyee


10 min read

Infertility is a really tough problem for many couples all over the world. Even though lots of people deal with it, we don't talk much about how it makes them feel. But those feelings are just as real as the physical symptoms of infertility.

Are you dealing with infertility and experiencing psychological burden? If yes, you’re not alone. A lot of people go through the same condition.

The good news is, you can deal with this tough time, if you’re aware of the psychological condition you’re going through, acknowledge it, and take necessary actions.

This article by Karetrip talks about how infertility affects the emotions of couples, the pressure they feel from their community, and how they can get help dealing with the emotional impact.

Infertility: An Emotional Roller Coaster

Infertility is like being on a very tough ride at the amusement park, where you feel really hopeful one moment and very disappointed the next.

Couples try very hard to have a baby, believing each time it might finally work, but when it doesn't, they feel very sad and tired.

For women, thinking they might have a baby makes them feel happy and excited. But this happiness is very delicate and can be easily replaced by the fear that it won't happen, making it hard to stay cheerful.

When they don't get pregnant, it feels like a big loss, like losing something very precious. They feel sad not only because they can't have a baby, but also because they lose the dreams they had about the future.

The dreams of having family traditions and the joy of raising a child suddenly seem impossible, causing deep sadness and emptiness.

Psychological Impact

Infertility can make couples feel really sad and worried. It can even make them feel not so good about themselves. Some of the physiological impact it causes include:

  • Depression and Anxiety: When people can't have babies, they can feel really sad and stressed. They worry a lot about whether they will ever have a baby.

  • Feeling Not Good Enough: Some people start to feel like they are not good enough because they can't have babies. This makes them feel sad and not very confident.

  • Feeling Pressure from Others: Women feel a lot of pressure from other people to have babies. When they can't, they feel guilty and ashamed.

  • Feeling Alone: Sometimes, women feel very alone and sad because they can't have babies like other people.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed: Men have feelings too! But sometimes, they feel like they have to be really strong and tough. When they can't have babies, they feel really overwhelmed and sad.

  • Feeling Like They Are Not Good Enough: Men worry about not being able to have babies too. They feel like they are not very good because they can't do something important like being a dad.

  • Not Talking Enough: Sometimes, couples have a hard time talking to each other about how they feel. This can make them fight and feel really lonely.

  • Feeling Far Apart: Infertility can make couples feel like they are not very close anymore. They have a hard time understanding each other's feelings, which makes them feel even more sad.

  • Feeling Embarrassed: Sometimes, people feel embarrassed because they can't have babies. They feel really awkward when they are around other people who have babies.

  • Feeling Hopeless: Women feel very sad and hopeless when they can't have babies like they wanted. They feel like they are not doing something they are supposed to do.

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Relationship and Social Stress

  • Not being able to have a baby can make people feel very lonely and sad. Seeing other kids or pregnant moms can remind them of their struggle, making them want to stay away from friends and family.

  • Its outcomes include tension and arguments with the married couple.

  • Stress, in particular, may be perceived and handled in diverse ways by partners hence making it impossible for the couples not to understand each other. That being said , if one of the two needs to visit the hospital more frequently in order to get more treatment while the other one is against it, the two will always quarrel.

  • This stress makes the couples avoid expressing themselves and hence they lack outlets to show their feelings. They might tend to develop a sort of contentment to suppress their feelings because they cannot afford to bring harm to one another or be referred to as having misinterpreted the other.

  • Those who do not find it comfortable discussing their emotions are made worse as time progresses to be more distant in dealing with the issue.

Coping Mechanisms and Support

Professional Counselling and Support Groups: These provide opportunity whereby people are in a position to say what they feel, and what they went through, and there is the society which presents a consoling front in a way that recognizes the problem and possibly ways of dealing with it.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Some practices that can be done better by Imitating compassion and eradicating stress include, such as practising mind and body control, exercises like yoga and meditation.

Open Communication: It is indeed a cliché that the people usually utter that the policy that is best is to speak the truth and in connection to this as to the couple of a couple, should indeed stay together.

Seeking Medical Advice: But, at the very least, especially when going straight to fertility doctors and walking through the entire Reproductive Healthcare Channel, a couple can at least move through the process as the Active Parties..

Society & Culture Expectations

  • Influence on Emotional Experiences: social and culture play a great role in determining the feelings of a couple who are experiencing infertility issues.

  • Emphasis on Parenthood and Family: It further depicts how childlessness is valued and appreciated by various cultures and the importance of parents and families is very crucial which complicates it for the childless couple.

  • Pressure on Women: This is so because women are under pressure to be good mothers and give birth to children, if they are unable to do that they will feel so embarrassed.

  • Expectations on Men: Pressure on the male gender in society is also targeted at the function of fertility and fatherhood.

  • Challenge to Masculinity: This aspect of male infertility has the propensity of actually eroding the health of a man inasmuch as it will compromise the crisis of manhood.

  • Additional Difficulty: These cultural expectations further burden those couples experiencing the inability to conceive, not only are they dealing with the loss themselves, but they are also faced with these external pressures as well.

Infertility struggles are sensitive issues for all the couple, and thus counselling is an essential component of their emotional process. It is common for them to be given a feeling of depression, low self-worth, and social exclusion from family and friends.

Infertility is a major challenge in any relationship and therefore they should opt to attend counselling sessions which deal with infertile couples in order to be solaced and understood.

In addition, it is helpful for couples to also recognise and address socio-cultural realities since this may offer more coping and interpretation during a challenging period.

These establishments still require the society to show empathy and be sensitive to the suffering of childless couples hence the need for certain establishments.

To sum up, although infertility can negatively affect the quality of life for couples, if they are supported and use the proper interventions all through the process, they are able to endure this challenge in a loving and strong manner.

Key Takeaways

Infertility is a stressful issue for both male and female individuals, as it causes distress, sorrow, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

It is a process of evolution and cognitive transformation through which the couple loses hope.

Women are pressured with a guilty feeling that is imposed by society on the other hand men are left feeling inferior and threatened by the idea of their masculinity.

This may further put some strain on the relationship, create work up for the couple, may cause lack of intimacy and eventually, conflict.

Thus, professional-counselling, self-help groups, mindfulness, and assertiveness might help reduce stress and strengthen the bond between couples.

This additional pressure from the social and cultures torque up the sorrow of infertile couples so that they can wrestle.

Therefore, couples have to learn how to cope with infertility in order to continue to love each other, keep a happy healthy marriage given the pressure exerted by society, and turn to coping strategies.

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Karetrip sources its information according to strict guidelines, consulting scholarly research centres, peer-reviewed periodicals, societies for medical professionals, and publications certifying medical tourism. No tertiary references are used by us. Please refer to our editorial policy. to learn how we maintain the accuracy and timeliness of our material.

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