How to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally
In This Article
How to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally
Ashitha Kareem
Updated on August 16, 2024
Medically verified by Dr. Arya
Fact checked by Sreemoyee
Natural ways of avoiding pregnancy are methods not requiring medical procedures or artificial contraceptive methods.
These methods are also called Natural Family Planning (NFP) or Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM).
The key to effectively planning NFP is to have basic knowledge about reproductive biology, female ovulation cycles, and awareness of your body.
In case you’re looking for natural ways of preventing pregnancy, this blog can be very useful.
Here is a guide by Karetrip to help you plan your pregnancy naturally.
Towards Ovulation and Conception
Ovulation is a beautiful process where mature eggs are released from the ovaries and make their journey down the fallopian tube—waiting for sperm for fertilization.
The egg typically stays there for about 12-24 hours, while the sperm can survive up to 5 days within the female reproductive system.
In a typical scenario, ovulation would happen approximately 14 days before your next period is due to begin.
Each month, a woman's reproductive organs prepare themselves for the possibility of new life. When the egg and sperm fuse, they implant themselves into the walls of the uterus for further development. This is called conception.
If the egg remains unfertilized, the lining of the uterus along with blood is shed out through the vagina; this is called menstruation.
The time interval between two menstruations is known as a menstrual cycle.
How to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally
NFP is a contraceptive method in which you avoid physical contact during the days considered the most fertile.
However, if not planned properly, it has a higher failure rate, with about 1 in every 4 people opting for NFP ending up pregnant.
Types of Natural Family Planning
Calendar Method
This involves tracking the length of your menstrual cycle over several months to predict your fertile days.
To use the calendar method:
Track your menstrual cycle for at least six months.
Identify the shortest and longest cycles.
Subtract 18 days from the length of your shortest cycle to find your first fertile day.
Subtract 11 days from the length of your longest cycle to find your last fertile day.
Considering if your shortest cycle is 26 days and your longest is 32 days:
First fertile day: 26 - 18 = 8
Last fertile day: 32 - 11 = 21
Therefore, avoid unprotected intercourse from day 8 to day 21 of your cycle.
The Standard Day Method
This is a standard method of predicting the fertile days (days of ovulations) easily for those who have a regular period between 26 to 32 days.
This method suggests you simply avoid unprotected sex during the 8th to 19th day of your cycle.
Billings Ovulation Methods
This relies on the observation of vulvar sensation and discharge patterns. People can choose to opt or avoid pregnancies by choosing fertile days or infertile days.
Vulvar sensation and discharge appearances can be signs of the cervical responses to ovarian activities.
4 Rules of Billings ovulation method
Avoid sex on days of heavy menstrual bleeding.
Have sex on alternating days during your Basic Infertility Period.
When a change in mucus during your BIP is observed, wait a day before having sex.
Once you reach your peak day and are ovulating, you are at your most fertile. Avoid intercourse for the next three days.
Advantages include effectiveness in people with
Long and irregular periods.
Lactating mothers
Amenorrheic or
Creighton Model
This model also works with menstrual cycle, mucus changes and ovulation period in finding fertile periods of a woman's reproductive system.
It is also used to determine the return of the fertile period after postpartum.
Two day Method
Similar to the above two methods, but specifically checking the cervical secretions. The main difference is the presence or absence of secretion alone is sufficient to determine the fertility period.
This method suggests abstinence from sex on the day of the secretion and the day following it.
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Basal Body Temperature Method
This technique demands a daily monitoring of your basal body temperature.
BBT is the temperature of your lower body and is required to be monitored when you wake up in the morning.
Rise in BBT means that the ovulation has happened.
Take your temperature every morning at the same time before you get out of bed. Record your temperature daily.
Observe a small rise (approx. 0.5°F to 1°F) that shows the ovulation is approaching.
Do not have unprotected intercourse starting from the first day of your period until three days after the temperature jumps.
Cervical Mucus Method
Observing variations in cervical mucus throughout your cycle helps identify fertile days.
To use the cervical mucus method:
Observe vaginal discharge daily.
Notice changes in mucus texture and color.
Avoid unprotected intercourse during fertile mucus days and until four days after the peak mucus.
Symptothermal Method
This combines the BBT and cervical mucus methods, along with other signs of ovulation, such as mild pelvic pain or breast tenderness.
To use the symptothermal method:
Combine the BBT and cervical mucus methods.
Observe other signs of ovulation.
Avoid unprotected intercourse from the start of fertile mucus days until three days after the temperature rise and other signs indicate the end of the fertile period.
Lactational Amenorrhea Method
The body stops ovulating during the exclusive feeding period. You won’t get periods nor will you conceive if you are not ovulating. So this method is a great natural family planning method.
Exclusive breastfeeding means when you feed your baby exclusively your breastmilk and nurse at least 4 hour gap during day and in at least 6 hours at night.
This can slow down the process of ovulation due to the production of lactating hormones.
Avoids need of double protection
Saves Resources
Religious acceptance
Benefits of NFPs
Take control of your fertility
No side effects unlike artificial methods Saves money
Promote stronger martial relation
Values and religion beliefs
Disadvantages of NFPs
Like any other contraceptive methods NFP has its disadvantages.
Higher risk of unintentional pregnancy compared to artificial means
Do not work for irregular periods
Needs time and patience to study and track ovulation cycles
Lack of protection against STIs
Period of Abstinence required
NFP is a hormone free contraceptive method. Unlike artificial contraceptives which come with side effects NFP is a safer option with no side effects.
However it is important to be aware of the potential limitations before choosing this method.
Try to combine more than one NFPs for better results. During peak fertility time abstain from sexual activities or use other contraceptive options like condoms
NFP methods require understanding of ovulation and menstrual cycles
The Calendar Method involves tracking cycle lengths to predict fertile days.
The Standard Days Method and Billings Ovulation Method rely on regular cycle patterns and cervical mucus observation.
The Basal Body Temperature and Sympto Thermal Methods involve daily temperature tracking and mucus observation.
Exclusive breastfeeding can delay ovulation postpartum, serving as a natural contraceptive.
NFP has no side effects but requires careful monitoring and may have higher failure rates than artificial methods.