Understanding Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Risk Factors
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Understanding Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

Updated on July 18, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

10 min read
Cancer is one of the main diseases which is characterised by the production of abnormal cells which have the capability of uncontrollable division and destroy the normal body tissue.
Understanding what you should expect from diagnosis to recovery will help you to control your health.
Well, through this blog Karetrip will help you to understand the general overview of what cancer is, symptoms of cancer, detection method, treatment and post treatment options.
What is Cancer ?
Abnormal cells rapidly divide and cause a condition called cancer. These cells may cause tumours and cause damage to regular functioning of the body.
According to the World Health Organization, Cancer is one of the leading causes of death which accounted for almost 1 in 6 deaths in 2020. However, detection of cancer at an early stage and using innovative and effective treatment strategies can help cure cancer and increase longevity of people.
Stages of Cancer
Cancer usually consists of four stages . Each stage is determined by different factors such as size of the tumour , location etc. The four stages are:
Stage I : It is localised to a small area and is not spread to tissues or lymph nodes.
Stage II : The growth of cancer has initiated but not yet spread to other organs.
Stage III : Growth of cancer on a large scale and possible spread across tissues and lymph nodes happen.
Stage IV : This stage is referred to as metastatic or advanced cancer. In this stage , the cancer has spread to other organs or areas of your body.
There is also a Stage 0 , which is the earliest stage which describes the area where cancer has started. This stage is usually treated and considered precancerous by most healthcare professionals.
Types of Cancer
Cancers are named after its location i.e. where they begin and by which type of cell it is made of not by the area to where it is spread. For example, cancer that begins in the lungs and spread to the liver is termed as lung cancer .
Type of cancer that starts in skin or tissues which line other organs is referred to as Carcinoma.
Cancer that happens in connective tissues such as cartilage , bones , muscles and blood vessels is termed as sarcoma.
Cancer that happens to bone marrow , which creates the blood cells is termed as Leukaemia.
Cancer that happens to the immune system is termed as Lymphoma and myeloma.

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Different types of Cancer
Appendix cancer
Bladder cancer
Bone cancer
Brain cancer
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Colon or colorectal cancer
Duodenal cancer
Ear cancer
Endometrial cancer
Esophageal cancer
Heart cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Kidney or renal cancer
Laryngeal cancer
Lip cancer
Liver cancer
Lung cancer
Oral cancers
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Penile cancer
Prostate cancer
Rectal cancer
skin cancer
small intestine cancer
spleen cancer
stomach or gastric cancer
testicular cancer
thyroid cancer
uterine cancer
vaginal cancer
vulvar cancer
Symptoms of Cancer
Cancer is a complex disease by not exhibiting symptoms for years. Sometimes , cancer may cause some noticeable changes in the body which gets worsened quickly.
Having certain symptoms does not mean that you have cancer. You should consult your healthcare provider anytime if any particular change persists for more than two weeks in your body.
The most common symptoms are:
- Unexplained weight loss.
- Extreme tiredness or Fatigue.
- Chronic pain.
- Fever that occurs mostly at night.
- Changes in skin , particularly moles that change shape and size or new moles and yellowing of skin.
- Bruising or bleeding more easily.
- Lumps or bumps under your skin that don’t go away.
- Trouble in breathing.
- Difficulty in swallowing food.
- Constant Indigestion
- Unexplained muscle ache and twitches.
Risk factors
People who have developed cancer may not have an idea what is increasing their risk in developing the disease. Factors which is known to increase your risk of developing cancer include :
Age : It takes decades to develop a life threatening condition such as cancers.People who are diagnosed with cancer are mostly 65 years or older. It is not a disease exclusively for adult age , whereas it can be diagnosed at any age. People who are aged are more susceptible to developing cancer.
Habits : Lifestyle choices have a great influence in developing cancer. Smoking tobacco , drinking alcohol without limit , excessive exposure to sun or frequent sunburns and even having unprotected sex can contribute to cancer. Changing these habits can lower the risk of cancer.
Family History : Only a minimal portion of cancer can be transferred genetically. If cancer is common in your family , it is possible that mutation is transferred from one generation to the next. If you have inherited a mutation , in order to check you need to undergo genetic testing. Always remember that if you have inherited genetic mutation , it does not necessarily mean that you will get cancer.
Health Conditions : Chronic health conditions such as ulcerative colitis increase your risk of developing certain cancers. You should have a conversation with your healthcare professional about this risk.
Environment : Harmful chemicals that increase your risk of cancer. Even if you don't smoke , if you inhale secondhand smoke also , it will harm you. Chemicals in your home or workplace such as asbestos and benzene are also associated with increased risk of cancer.
How to prevent risk factors?
By changing some of your lifestyle choices , you can reduce the risk of developing cancer:
Try to quit smoking or use of tobacco. Ask a healthcare professional about smoking cessation programs or de-addiction programmes.
Try to follow a healthy diet plan which contains a balanced diet consisting of fruits , vegetables , foods rich in protein , vitamin , minerals and antioxidants.
Having proper exercise on a daily basis will prevent the risk of developing cancer. It will boost your immune system and hence it will act as a protection against cancer.
Avoiding the exposure to toxins such as asbestos , radon and pesticides will reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.
Protecting yourself from harmful UV Radiations from the Sun.Using a high SPF Sunscreen, hat , umbrellas will help you in this.
Regular cancer screening will help you to track whether you have a risk of developing the disease.
Getting regular medical checkups to ensure your overall health is necessary.
1. How to diagnose Cancer ?
Cancer can be diagnosed by using the screening tests such as blood tests , imaging tests and biopsies.
2. What are the treatment options for Cancer ?
There are various treatment options available for cancer such as surgery , radiation therapy , chemotherapy , hormone therapy , biological response modifier therapy ,bone marrow transplantation and stem cell therapy.
The information provided represents the views and opinions of Karetrip. It is crucial to conduct your own independent research before making any decisions regarding your healthcare journey. - Disclaimer
Cancer is caused by rapid division of cells which can happen due to genetic changes. These abnormal cancer cells division can form tumours
Lack of proper exercise ,smoking , drinking , and an unbalanced diet may increase the chance of developing cancer
Having a proper screening to detect the cancer at an early stage is easier to treat. Treatment options vary from individual depending upon the type of cancer , stage at which diagnosis is done and their age and general health.
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